I posted this meme earlier today on Facebook and a friend of mine asked the question, "What tax revenue? Isn't the US already $18 trillion in debt now?
It is a good question. I thought about it and decided to blog.
Tax revenue? Yes, we have it. Here is what I believe the problem to be. First of all, we do allocate tax dollars. The problem is what we allocate it to, secondary to the problem of spending without a plan. In the business world, at least with a successful business, your budget is usually flat. What does that mean? It means that there is not enough to do everything that you want to do. You have to pick and choose but also you look for ways to get things done. For example, waste. There are several types of waste and by reducing these types of waste it can be a huge cost savings, especially over time. That cost savings can they be used to build infrastructure, upgrade facilities, or update computer systems for example. Our government, as most of us know, virtually has every type of waste and in large amounts: transportation, waiting, overproduction, confusion, unsafe conditions, underutilized potential, transport/handling, motion, over handling, and inventories.
The problem is not that we have no revenue. The problem is that the budgets we create are way beyond what our revenue is capable of supporting and with no plan on how any of what we budget for will pay for itself over time. Whether that is by waste elimination or other means. No business on this planet that is successful does that.
Additionally, so many of our politicians have been bought out by big business. This takes us back to the topic of allocation. We allocate more money to big business whether that is pharmaceuticals or banks because of campaign funding, speaking engagements or other unethical practices. We spend more money writing laws to protect these large establishments then we spend on people, our citizens, the ones we are supposed to protect. It is unethical because their alliances with these businesses for personal gain have superseded their commitment to us, the citizens and residents of the US.
There are so many environmentally friendly, renewable resources, but we do not invest in them. Tidal energy, solar power, hemp, wind and radiant energy just to name a few. There are so many life saving measures and alternative medicine options, proven in other countries to be safe. From stem cell research to marijuana use.
But no. We have children who starve and are not nourished enough to learn. We have people who cannot earn a fair wage. By fair, I mean pay their bills and eat. We have jobs that we send overseas to the same people that we shame and hate in the media oddly enough.We have elderly people who have to decide if they are going to eat or pick up their prescription. We have veterans waiting months for appointments. We do more to ruin this country than to make it better.
What Bernie Saunders is proposing is not a free for all. He is proposing allocating tax dollars appropriately so that we can best serve the constituents of this country across the board, not just the ones at the top. What is so wrong with that? It has nothing to do with being a democrat or a republican, but it does has everything to do with being a human being and caring for your neighbor.
In God we trust, I guess so since we cannot trust each other, the ones that we appoint to make these decisions, we have to trust in God. Even if you do not believe in him. It is safer to believe in something or someone you have never seen than to trust in those we can see and hear bamboozling every last penny and drop of blood out of the little people so that the fat cats can get fatter.
This has nothing to do with President Obama. This problem existed well before him. We continue to segregate and turn the clock backward to the 50's and 60's where we could run a muck with witch hunts, wasting tax dollars. When anyone in government even suggests to start a committee to look into Beyonce and her ties to the BPP, we are in serious trouble.
Bernie Saunders is not some old guy with his head in the clouds. He is an independent with real solutions to move this country forward. A lot of what he is proposing is already being done in other countries and has been done this way for centuries. Even if you do not think he is a viable candidate, we all need to do our homework. We are so stuck on assassinating the character and intentions of people that we are not asking the relevant questions. We are not doing any research on our own into how other countries are getting things done and how behind we have actually fallen as a nation. We can be doing a lot better by each other, our environment, our educational system, our prison system, the elderly, veterans, our homeless, women, minorities, immigrants, and our poor. How? By taking a holistic look at the needs of the nation and appropriately allocating funds.
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